A Few really thought It couldnt be done Open a store Thats nothing but fun A lot of old stuff was taken in trade And saved from the trash and the trucks heavy blade Nintendo and Sega came in by the bin full To throw this stuff out would be "Oh so sinful" Not much thought went into the name Clint Eastwoods Sudden Impact Popped into my brain Some days in the begining Were kinda slow Looks like back in the car business Dommy would go But all of a Sudden Word got around Theres a New store in Winthrop That I just found Close to the metro Theres sonic and tails Bursting at the seams With hard to find retro A true gamers dreams So pack up and lets go Many people travel From near and far They come by the T And they come here by car So this holiday season All the thanx to be had Are to all the great customers Who prove that retro Is not just a fad Thanx to all and the "oh my gods" when stepping in for the first time with happy nods Seeing the games From when you were nine Brings back a care free Happier time And to all the folks Who drive many miles I will do what I can So you All leave with smiles